11 Simple Ways To Relax Effectively

For many of us, who are living hectic, rushed lifestyles, relaxation is way down on the priority list. But just how important is it to relax? Well some stress is good for us, it keeps us stimulated and prevents boredom, but most of us are experiencing a dangerous level of stress every day. The problem with stress is that the ill effects take years to show, which is probably why it is not being taken more seriously. High levels of constant stress are not “a part of life” as some corporations and people would like us to believe, it can cause a range of grave health problems from heart disease, dementia and even seizures.
We all need to put more emphasis on relaxation and make time for it, as we do for appointments and meetings. However we have limited time, so today we’ll look at some of the best ways to relax effectively.



1. Get a massage

Grab your partner or head down to the spa and get a massage. If you do this with your partner, you are also spending time with them without smartphones and other distractions. The secret here is that human touch releases serotonin, which lowers blood pressure and heart rate. You can also find the same relief from hugging, holding hands or rubbing each others feet.
2. Walk or cuddle your pet

Walking for just 20 minutes can lift your mood for two hours and leave you feeling more relaxed. Cuddling your dog or kitty releases all the feel good hormones and works to decrease cortisol (the stress hormone).
3. Reading 

Reading a fiction book is a great way to relax and unwind especially before bedtime. Some of my favorite authors to wind down with are Sue Townsend, Martina Cole, Bryce Courtney and Jonathan Kellerman. cat-624410__180

4. Listen to music
Music can help you to relax your body and soothe you mind. Soothing music works best and you can also experiment with nature or seaside sounds.
5. Guided meditation
When I am feeling completely frazzled I turn to my guided meditation. There is nothing like it to clear the mind of worries and begin to concentrate on breathing. Just focusing on my breathing brings my heart rate down and relaxes my whole body.
6. Hot bath
A hot bath, complete with bubbles and candles, is an excellent way to relax. The warm water helps to ease tight shoulders and muscles, and some lovely scents in the water (such as lavender) help the mind to detach from the current stressors.
colored-pencils-179167__1807. Crafts
In our jobs we spend most of the time repeating a task such as typing, answering a phone, writing etc. Crafts give us an outlet to not only be creative but also occupy our brains and hands in a different way.
8. Eat some… Chocolate!
Chocolate can help you beat stress (hurrah!) Dark chocolate in particular lowers cortisol levels and can help you feel less stressed. And it tastes delicious of course too.
9. Get some sun
I’m not usually a big advocate of the sun because of the damage it causes to the skin, but bright light has been proven to provide relief to depression sufferers. Sunlight can lift the spirits of otherwise healthy people too, so it’s worth getting outside on a nice sunny day.
10. Write it down (Not on Facebook!)
Got worries? Frustrations? Pet peeves? Instead of posting them all over a social network where appearing negative can hurt your reputation, grab a notebook and just let rip. Getting all your feelings out on paper is intensely therapeutic and when you are done you can throw it away if you wish!
11. Talk it out
Sometimes we feel stressed because we believe we are the only ones with problems. This is simply not true. Make time to chat with a trusted friend and you will soon see that everyone is facing something trying. Sharing with a friend can help you get things in perspective and thus decrease your stress levels.

If you enjoyed this article why not read 8 Ways to Create More Time in Your Day next?

I love comments and suggestions! Please feel free to let me know what you think of my content 🙂 

8 Ways to Manage Low Energy When You Have Depression

justsadClinical Depression is a somatic as well as an emotional disease, and has physical symptoms that can sometimes be quite debilitating. One of the main complaints that sufferers report is a noted lack of energy also known as fatigue. This fatigue can sometimes cause a dangerous cycle for the sufferer, as the less they are able to do, the more depressed they become.

Here are some tips on how to manage your low energy levels if you are suffering from Depression:
• Set yourself realistic goals. If you currently cannot get out of bed, a good goal would be getting up and brushing your teeth.
• Do tasks in short bursts. Trying to work for hours on end when you are lacking in energy and battling to concentrate is going to be impossible. Set yourself small reachable targets.
• Eat well and regularly. The temptation to eat loads of processed foods and caffeine is strong when you feel flat but it won’t help you. You need to try to eat complex carbs, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins. Also remember to drink water to keep hydrated, especially if you are very tearful.
• Technology depletes energy and fast. Take a time out from the social media, the laptop and the phone.
• Try and move. Getting up and going for a walk is probably unlikely when you have no energy or drive so don’t become frustrated with yourself because you can’t. Try to do some stretching, walk a little in your garden or do five minutes of quick chores. This can actually create some energy.salmon-518032__180
• Try to maintain a regular sleeping pattern. The temptation to sleep all day and night when you are very depressed is monumental but it won’t help. In fact it is almost guaranteed to make you feel worse. Sleeping for eight to nine hours at the most and then get up and try to stay awake all day.
• Be kinder to yourself. Your brain is telling you that you are useless and lazy but this is not true. Challenge those thoughts with facts. The fact is that Depression causes problems with energy and affects your ability to do some of the things you would like to do. This is not because you are flawed in some way or lazy; it is because you have Depression.
• Speak to your doctor about your medication. Some medications do cause lethargy as well.
When you are in a tired place with Depression you often have that catastrophic thought; “I’m always going to feel like this.” You won’t. You may feel like this for a while but definitely not forever. Just treat yourself like you would treat another sick person; with love and respect.
Want to read more about Depression? Click here


The 5 Most Damaging Misconceptions About Depression

raven-988218__180Despite being recognized in the medical community and by the World Health Organization, Depression is still a widely misunderstood disease. According to WHO there are an estimated 350 million people suffering from Depression worldwide. Depression is the leading cause of disability globally, and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Despite having to battle a terrible disease the sufferers of Depression  often have to fight the stigma and misconceptions about Depression as well. Let’s look at some of these misconceptions.

  1. “Everyone feels depressed sometimes”

I wish that we could get people to stop using the word “depressed” when they are having a bad day or are in a foul mood because it oversimplifies this complex ailment. Everyone experiences highs and lows in their lifetimes, but depression doesn’t always happen due to a specific negative event.

Depression is characterized by unexplained periods of hopelessness, sadness, lethargy, and suicidal tendencies. These episodes last for prolonged periods and can come suddenly and inexplicably, even when things in life appear positive.When people say that everyone gets depressed the sufferer may believe this and this will add to their self-loathing i.e Everyone feels like this, why can they go on and I can’t?

2. Depressed people can “just snap out of it”

This is about the most damaging thing you could say to a person with Depression because they may just believe you. What do you think happens when they try but cannot just shake it off? This is just as insulting as telling a person with Cancer to just “snap out of it”.

Depression is a serious health condition, and no one chooses to be depressed. Ignorant people mistakenly think that depression is just a result of a person wallowing in their grief or sadness and can be cured by thinking positively and making a change in ones attitude.

blancoynegro-1217184__1803. If Depressed people would stop talking about their illness they would feel better

The truth is that if we got more sufferers to speak about their illness we might even lower the suicide rate. About 2/3 of people who complete suicide are depressed at the time of their deaths. The uninformed person may feel that talking about depression will only reinforce the destructive feelings of the sufferer and keep them focused on the negative.  The truth is that being alone with your thoughts is much more harmful. Having a supportive, reliable, and non-judgmental listener is critical in the treatment of depression.

4. Having depression means you’re weak

This makes no sense at all. Depression is an illness the same way as Cancer or MS but people with physical illnesses aren’t blamed for their conditions the way people with mental illnesses are. Depression can affect anyone, even those that are traditionally considered to be “strong”, or appear to have no obvious reasons in their lives to be depressed. The supposed connection between weakness and depression is one that makes it difficult for people to get the help they need.

forest-792808__1805. Depressed people are lazy

Sadly the severe fatigue often associated with depression is seen as laziness and it couldn’t be further from the truth. Too often, uniformed observers mistakenly attribute laziness to people who have mental illnesses like depression or anxiety disorders that impair their ability to work and be active. These people attribute laziness to people when they have failed to do specific tasks that they value. Depression can be seriously debilitating and telling someone they are lazy (rather than ill) only adds to their self hate. Again I doubt whether the same people would be able to tell someone with Cancer that they are lazy because they are lacking in energy.

Sadly people with Depression also often believe these myths and this only makes their condition that much more unbearable. People suffering from Depression need your support and understanding; it could be the difference between life and death. 

I appreciate any feedback so please fell free to leave comments below. If you found this article helpful please share it using the buttons below and follow my blog so that you’ll know when I post something new.

Here are some more posts you may find informative:

Depression: 6 Things That Worked For Me

13 Ways To Have a Productive Day Even If You’re Very Depressed

11 Practical Things You Can Do To Help Someone With Depression

References :






How To Grow Fantastic Vegetables Without a Garden

“There ain’t nothing better in life than true love and a homegrown tomato”-Unknown

tomatoes-586775__180More and more people are choosing to live in townhouses and flats these days but such homes often leave little or no place to garden. These people may feel that they are unable to grow some of their own food but they are wrong. There are many vegetables that can be grown successfully inside and outside the home in containers.

All you need is a sunny spot (remember vegetables prefer at least 6 hours of sun a day), a good potting soil and a suitable container. The list of containers you could use is almost endless; clay or plastic pots from the nursery, wooden boxes, stair step planters, metal drums, old pallets and wine casks to name a few. You are only limited by your own ingenuity. Just make sure the containers always have good drainage at the bottom.

Tomato’s and peppers are both excellent container gardening subjects who enjoy a nice warm spot. Peppers can even be grown in pots during winter if they are protected .

If you want something quick look no further than delicious radishes. They also like a warm spot and are easy to grow from seed. Best of all they can be ready to eat in 3 to 4 weeks!radishes-770211__180

Beans and cucumbers can be trained up a support trellis to save space and can be grown in a variety of containers.

Cabbage and cauliflower can do well in containers but remember to allow at least 60 cm square for each plant to grow.

In you have a hot patio area you could use it to grow eggplant. Just make sure that you use a deep container and that you observe the spacing instructions.

During cooler parts of the year pea’s can be grown in almost any container. Spinach also enjoys a cooler growing season.

harvest-1102965__180Baby carrots are easy to grow in containers provided that they get enough water. You could even grow them in glass jars to watch their growth.

Lettuce is a container gardening must! Its easy to grow from seed and there’s nothing better than a salad with your own lettuce.

Also keep in mind that most herbs can be grown inside and picked as needed.


lettucepotBesides getting your very own homegrown produce, gardening is also a great skill to
acquire and it has been proven to have stress relieving benefits. There’s no reason not to get started today. Good luck!


Do you have some garden space you’d like to grow veggies in? Read 10 Smart Tips To Start Your Own Food Garden Today

9 Realistic Quotes about Depression

forest-792808__180Sometimes it helps me to think that I’m not alone in my struggle with Depression. It helps me to know that there are people who are fighting it with me and people who are living full lives despite it.

Here are some beautiful and realistic quotes about Depression to help you remember that you are also not alone in your struggle. (The second one is my personal favorite)

“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather. Try to understand the blackness, lethargy, hopelessness, and loneliness they’re going through. Be there for them when they come through the other side. It’s hard to be a friend to someone who’s depressed, but it is one of the kindest, noblest, and best things you will ever do.”
― Stephen Fry

“The sun stopped shining for me is all. The whole story is: I am sad. I am sad all the time and the sadness is so heavy that I can’t get away from it. Not ever.”
― Nina LaCour, Hold Still

“No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 more than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun — for anybody. 67. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax — This won’t hurt”
― Hunter S. Thompson

worried-girl-413690__180“Mental illness is so much more complicated than any pill that any mortal could invent ”
― Elizabeth Wurtzel, Prozac Nation

“my mother, poor fish,
wanting to be happy, beaten two or three times a
week, telling me to be happy: “Henry, smile!
why don’t you ever smile?”
and then she would smile, to show me how, and it was the
saddest smile I ever saw”
― Charles Bukowski

“I saw the world in black and white instead of the vibrant colours and shades I knew existed.”
― Katie McGarry, Pushing the Limits

“It seemed silly to wash one day when I would only have to wash again the next.

It made me tired just to think of it.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

“Depression is melancholy minus its charms.”
― Susan Sontag, Illness as Metaphor

Reference: http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/tag/depression

Why not read 13 Ways To Have a Productive Day Even If You’re Very Depressed next?

Depression: 6 Things That Worked For Me


I was first diagnosed with Depression 20 years ago. Since then I have been struggling with relapses every couple of years. This illness has taken me to the very brink but I have returned each time thanks to the support of those around me but also because I know that while Depression is definitely not “All in my head” there are things that I can do to help myself.

For me there are three components to fighting recurrent depression and they are medication, therapy and self help.Medication and Therapy are helpful but you shouldn’t just depend on them to feel better. The biggest factor in the fight against Depression is you. Here are the things that really worked for me.

  1. Consult a Psychiatrist not a GP. Yes your GP can refer you to a specialist but don’t let a GP treat you for Depression. You wouldn’t consult a GP for a toothache right? You’d see a person who specializes in teeth! The same is true if you have a mental health issue.
  2. Take your medication. It’s tough sometimes because medication can take time to work and have side effects in the beginning. Keep taking it as directed. Depression can make you forgetful so get a pillbox so that you can see you’ve taken it and set some reminders on your phone. If you live with someone you can ask them to help you remember to take your medicine.
  3. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) – CBT helps you to help yourself by learning different skills to fight your illness. OT helps you when you are struggling with activities of daily living and to help you with concentration and memory skills.vegetables-742095__180
  4. Gardening: It can be hard to do anything when you are depressed so you could even start with a low maintenance pot plant. Caring for a plant and seeing it grow can help remind you of the beauty in the world. Having a pretty garden with vegetables and flowers can be the best therapy in the world. Get started today 10 Smart Tips To Start Your Own Food Garden Today.
  5. Meditation and Mindfulness – Depression can force your mind endlessly repeat past events or catastrophize  the future. These exercises can help immensely with this. (Learn more about Mindfulness by clicking here.)
  6. Adjust your life accordingly. You have an illness, a real one and it’s no use pretending it doesn’t exist. The same as people with Diabetes or Epilepsy need to make changes in their lifestyle so do you. Make sure you’re keeping your appointments, taking medication, going to therapy and reducing unnecessary stress.

pieces-of-the-puzzle-592798__180These are some of the things that worked (and keep working) for me. If you have some other suggestions why not share them in the comments below?

Why not read 13 Ways To Have a Productive Day Even If You’re Very Depressed next?



Mindfulness 101

beach-944750__180There are plenty of useful skills you can learn that will make your life easier. Some of these include driving, cooking, sewing, DIY and typing but there are useful mental skills too such as being assertive or resilient.

The practice of Mindfulness can add much value to your life but you may be wondering what is it and how it can help you. This article will hopefully answer some of those questions for you.

What is Mindfulness?
This is the Wikipedia definition: Mindfulness involves intentionally bringing one’s attention to the internal and external experiences occurring in the present moment. It can be developed through the practice of meditation, which can be defined as the intentional self-regulation of attention from moment to moment. (You can read the full page by clicking here)

In other words it is the practice of being in the moment. Many of us are spending our time ruminating over the past and worrying about the future and therefore we are missing out on our present.

Who can practice Mindfulness?
While mindfulness draws upon Buddhist psychological traditions it is suitable to be practiced by anyone, of any religion or background.

mindfulHow long does a Mindfulness exercise need to be?
Its all up to you. It can be a little difficult in the beginning to keep your mind from wandering into worries and things to do so  you can start with a 5 or 10 minute exercise and go from there.

When can I practice Mindfulness?                                                            This is the wonderful part, you don’t need to lie down and meditate to perform a mindfulness exercise.(Although you can if you wish.) You can be mindful while washing the dishes or eating a piece of fruit. The key is making a conscious decision to be in the moment. This is achieved by paying attention to your breathing and senses, for example you could focus on the tiny rainbows that you see in the soapy bubbles of the dishwater or relish the tart citrus taste of an orange segment in your mouth.

What are the benefits?
Mindfulness has been reported to decrease worry and rumination as well as lower stress, anxiety, exhaustion and irritability. It is particularly beneficial for those suffering from mood and anxiety disorders. Practicing mindfulness has also been shown to improve memory and reaction times.

Want to know more?

lotus-1205631__180There are plenty of apps available to guide you in the practice of mindfulness such as Calm or Mindfulness Bell (Google Play Store). Try a few to find what works for you.

You can also check out some of the below websites for more info:

I also found some great videos by searching “mindfulness” on YouTube such as Mindfulness Meditation – Guided 10 Minutes which you may find interesting.

If you enjoyed this article please share it with your friends by using the Share Buttons below. Why not relax and read Ways to relax (Even if you only have 5 minutes) next?



5 Symptoms of Depression You May Not Be Aware Of

rain-1013940__180We know that Depression can make you feel helpless, anxious, hopeless and sad but there are some symptoms you may not be aware of.Often we tend to think Depression only affects our state of mind but it can have other effects on us as well such as those listed below:

  • Lightheadedness and dizziness This may be related to the anxiety a depressed person feels and is often not recognized as part of the illness.
  • Fatigue If you’re feeling tired and having no energy despite having slept you may be suffering from fatigue. Fatigue is defined as extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
  • Muscle and joint pain Aching back and tight shoulders? Pain in your wrists? Muscle tension is experienced by most depression patients.
  • Boredom Those with depression often complain of a decreased interest in things they were once were passionate about. Often this relates to fatigue and eventually leads to boredom where they may only do things that require the minimum of effort like watching TV or surfing the web.
  • Problems concentrating, remembering and making decisions The serious negative feelings created when you’re depressed may affect your ability to listen to people talk or remember what they said. You may also find yourself not being able to make even simple decisions.psychologist-1015488__180

If you are experiencing any symptoms that you think may be related to your depression you should speak to your doctor about them. He may be able to refer you for physiotherapy, counselling or occupational therapy to help you.

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13 Ways To Have a Productive Day Even If You’re Very Depressed


danbo-1206478__180Clinical depression is a long term illness and sadly there are no quick fixes. Depression drains you of your energy and sometimes even the smallest things can seem impossible to do. This feeds the negative thinking because if you don’t do something you’ll spend the day calling yourself useless which will only make you feel worse.

While you shouldn’t try and carry on as if there was nothing wrong you do need to try and do more than sleep and watch TV when you are very depressed. Being inactive and unproductive only feeds the depression. Doing tasks may seem difficult but here are some things you can try:

  • Throw away the To-Do list. If you can’t cross off items you’ll beat yourself up so rather have a Done list that you can reflect on later.
  • Acknowledge that you are not at your best. You wouldn’t expect a man with a broken leg to run a marathon would you? If you’re feeling low try to have reasonable expectations of yourself.
  • Plan accordingly. When you are very depressed your energy levels are very low so try and plan your day accordingly and leave non-urgent tasks until you feel better.
  • Get help. If you can afford it get help with some chores like cleaning or washing your car perhaps even with your shopping.


  • Take a ten minute walk. This may feel like someone asking you to climb Everest but walking for just ten minutes can boost your mood for two hours so it’s worth it.
  • Use a timer. When I’m feeling very low I tell myself that I’m just going to get up and do something for five minutes and I set a timer on my phone. Most times once I get going I can carry on for longer.
  • Stay off the social media. Firstly it’s a huge time waster but more importantly it won’t help your mood to see people bragging about their happiness.
  • Talk to someone you trust. Sometimes just being able to get the feelings out and be understood can make you feel lighter and more energized.
  • Eat a good meal. Your body needs B vitamins and complex carbohydrates so have some chicken, potatoes, spinach or beans. If you feel you can’t cook, then buy some precooked food or order in.
  • Be of service. Depression can make you feel worthless. You can challenge this by doing something for someone else even if it’s just packing them a lunch or ironing a shirt.


  •  Focus on self care. Often this is the first thing to suffer with a bout of depression. Just have a bath, brush your teeth and comb your hair and you’ll feel more able  to deal with the world.
  • Don’t stay in bed. This is the worst thing you can do. By the time evening comes you’ll just be reflecting on the time you wasted. Even if you can only move to the sitting room it’s still better than bed.
  • Try and do something creative. Arts and crafts are great for depression so why not try something like beading or mosaic? Having something beautiful to behold at the end of the day will help you see that you can be productive even with depression.

Know any other helpful hints? Loved this article? Please feel free to comment below and share it with your friends.

Ways to relax (Even if you only have 5 minutes)


Life is busy in 2016 and with all our responsibilities it’s easy to forget that we also need to take care of ourselves. Here are some suggestions on how to relax even when your time is limited.

I’ve only got 30 minutes:

  • Go for a walk, you’ll feel like a different person on your return.
  • Type a quick round-robin email and send to the friends you haven’t connected with in a while.
  • Grab a note book and just write whatever comes to mind. Getting the emotions out is very stress relieving and you can throw it away if you wish.

I’ve only got 10 minutes:

  • Do a mindfulness exercise. You can download free apps such as Calm (Google Play Store) which provide guided mindfulness meditations for 10, 5 and even 2 minutes.
  • Give yourself a hand massage. (How to massage your hands)
  • Watch a stand-up comedian or a funny cat compilation on YouTube.

I’ve just got 5 minutes:

  • Sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes and day dream about your fantasy vacation/day/wedding/party etc.
  • Listen to your favorite song.
  • Pet an animal or watch birds or fish.


If you enjoyed this post why not read 8 Ways to Create More Time in Your Day next?

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